Expedition: Buster

Expedition: Buster@expeditionbuster


2020 episodes (5)

CC#5 - 7 Habits-Quadrant II
Ep. 05

CC#5 - 7 Habits-Quadrant II

This episode continues the journey with The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habit three is to put first things first. What does putting first things first mean within the context of a principle-centered life? Why do most people miss the most important quadrant of the standard time/planning matrix? 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Amazon - <https://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People-Powerful/dp/0743269519> Kobo - <https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-revised-and-updated> To submit your story or general feedback - feedback@collectivecast.com Social Twitter: @CryptcChameleon Discord The Collective Twitch CrypticChameleon83 Podcasting 2.0 The Collective Cast proudly uses and supports the Podcasting 2.0 standard. The Collective Cast is powered by Castopod, an open-source Podcasting 2.0 compatible platform. Main Site Podcasting 2.0 Apps Podcasting 2.0 Apps Value For Value If you get value from this podcast please show value in return. Leave feedback, rate or review, share stories, create show images, or contribute monetarily via streaming sats, boostagrams, or the link below! Paypal - https://paypal.me/chrisdash

CC#4 - 7 Habits-Future Visioning
Ep. 04

CC#4 - 7 Habits-Future Visioning

Hello Agents! Special thanks to the Misfit Heroes Podcast (<https://misfit-heroes.com>) for some feedback on the overall show quality! On this episode, struggles with being pro-active/keeping commitments. Chris discusses the second habit, Begin with the End in Mind. Why does focusing on our death help us to find the guiding principles we want in life? What is at the center of our worldview? How can our center lead us astray? 7 Habits Mission Statement Builder/Template - <https://msb.franklincovey.com/> 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Amazon - <https://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People-Powerful/dp/0743269519> Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-revised-and-updated To submit your story or general feedback - feedback@collectivecast.com Social Twitter: @CryptcChameleon Discord The Collective Twitch CrypticChameleon83 Podcasting 2.0 The Collective Cast proudly uses and supports the Podcasting 2.0 standard. The Collective Cast is powered by Castopod, an open-source Podcasting 2.0 compatible platform. Main Site Podcasting 2.0 Apps Podcasting 2.0 Apps Value For Value If you get value from this podcast please show value in return. Leave feedback, rate or review, share stories, create show images, or contribute monetarily via streaming sats, boostagrams, or the link below! Paypal - https://paypal.me/chrisdash

CC#3 - 7 Habits-I&#039;m In Control?
Ep. 03

CC#3 - 7 Habits-I&#039;m In Control?

In this episode of The Collective Cast we continue our discussion of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. This episode focuses on the first habit, Be Proactive. What does it mean to be proactive? Who is to blame for my "automatic" responses to life? What are the circles of influence and concern and how can I expand the correct one? Lastly, how in the world do I even start to become proactive? 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Amazon - <https://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People-Powerful/dp/0743269519> Kobo - <https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-revised-and-updated> To submit your story or general feedback - feedback@collectivecast.com Social Twitter: @CryptcChameleon Discord The Collective Twitch CrypticChameleon83 Podcasting 2.0 The Collective Cast proudly uses and supports the Podcasting 2.0 standard. The Collective Cast is powered by Castopod, an open-source Podcasting 2.0 compatible platform. Main Site Podcasting 2.0 Apps Podcasting 2.0 Apps Value For Value If you get value from this podcast please show value in return. Leave feedback, rate or review, share stories, create show images, or contribute monetarily via streaming sats, boostagrams, or the link below! Paypal - https://paypal.me/chrisdash

CC#2 - 7 Habits-Paradigms and Principles
Ep. 02

CC#2 - 7 Habits-Paradigms and Principles

In this episode, we start looking at The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. What is the difference between personality ethic and character ethic? How do the 7 Habits help to balance life and work toward a principle-based worldview? The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Note: These are not affiliate links. I make no money from these links. Amazon - <https://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People-Powerful/dp/0743269519> Kobo - <https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-revised-and-updated> To submit your story or general feedback - feedback@collectivecast.com Social Twitter: @CryptcChameleon Discord The Collective Twitch CrypticChameleon83 Podcasting 2.0 The Collective Cast proudly uses and supports the Podcasting 2.0 standard. The Collective Cast is powered by Castopod, an open-source Podcasting 2.0 compatible platform. Main Site Podcasting 2.0 Apps Podcasting 2.0 Apps Value For Value If you get value from this podcast please show value in return. Leave feedback, rate or review, share stories, create show images, or contribute monetarily via streaming sats, boostagrams, or the link below! Paypal - https://paypal.me/chrisdash

CC #1 - Introductions
Ep. 01

CC #1 - Introductions

Who is Chris, the Cryptic Chameleon? Why is he creating this podcast? Who is/are The Collective and what is their mission? What is the future for this podcast? Why does it exist? To submit your story or general feedback - feedback@collectivecast.com Social Twitter: @CryptcChameleon Discord The Collective Twitch CrypticChameleon83 Podcasting 2.0 The Collective Cast proudly uses and supports the Podcasting 2.0 standard. The Collective Cast is powered by Castopod, an open-source Podcasting 2.0 compatible platform. Main Site Podcasting 2.0 Apps Podcasting 2.0 Apps Value For Value If you get value from this podcast please show value in return. Leave feedback, rate or review, share stories, create show images, or contribute monetarily via streaming sats, boostagrams, or the link below! Paypal - https://paypal.me/chrisdash